Bnonn Tennant (the B is silent)

Where a recovering ex-atheist skewers things with a sharp two-edged sword

It’s OK for a man to be a helpmeet

A progression of observations about Wesley Hill, based on his own testimony, that do not make him look very good.

5″     30


Evangelical complementarian leaders mostly just teaching feminism

The Gospel Coalition tries to teach complementarianism by rebranding feminism, and I demur.

5″     4


This is what we’re up against

A real-life demonstration of how the wolves have formed a protective circle around the pulpit to prevent the sheep getting near, while they tear all the offensive pages out of the Bible.

19″     15


Do churches treat homosexuals like lepers?

A response (one might say critique) to Micah Murray’s recent Huffpost article on homosexuals in the church.

6″     3
