Bnonn Tennant (the B is silent)

Where a recovering ex-atheist skewers things with a sharp two-edged sword

God himself claims that private revelation will be cryptic

Numbers 12 makes clear that the quality and character of prophetic gifts will not be like the perspicuous public revelation of scripture.

3″     5


Overt Christology in the Old Testament, part 3: the face of Yahweh

Let me show you Jesus, hiding in plain sight…

5″     12


Overt Christology in the Old Testament, part 2: the angel of Yahweh

Let me show you Jesus, hiding in plain sight…

8″     4


Overt Christology in the Old Testament, part 1: the word of Yahweh

Let me show you Jesus, hiding in plain sight…

6″     3


Silly myths and irreverent visions

An exchange in which I resist being led away by a professing believer whose sensuous mind is puffed up without reason…

17″     4


Thorny problems with Calvinism #2: the unfairness of election

In which I ask how a God who decides to save only some people can be worthy of worship.

5″     6


Is Yahweh made in man’s image?

If he is, why do nearly all (presumably man-made) religions line up against Christianity on many key doctrines?

8″     8
