Bnonn Tennant (the B is silent)

Where a recovering ex-atheist skewers things with a sharp two-edged sword

How God requires Christians to vote

Voting is an act of representative rulership. As such, it fundamentally represents Christ, and is subject to his clear laws. Christians therefore do not have the option of voting for anyone other than a man after God’s own heart.

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The fruits of (Radical) Two Kingdoms theology

What happens when you spend a generation insisting that God’s law is not part of God’s gospel, and that God’s gospel has nothing to do with politics—but then you still want to talk about righteousness and justice in society? You give up Moses in favor of Marx.

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The gospel is inherently political

The fact that Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world does not imply that it is not on this world.

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I am not an “anti-vaxxer”

But I didn’t vaccinate my children.

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Read gives up on journalism to peddle pro-gay propaganda

Why did I abandon my degree in journalism just one year in? Well, mostly because I realized journalism involves doing things like pimping junk science for the sake of supporting a deviant ideology, rather than reporting important truths.

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