Bnonn Tennant (the B is silent)

Where a recovering ex-atheist skewers things with a sharp two-edged sword

Why are some not drawn?

A cautious response to a difficult question.

8″     0


If God is real, why does the world suck?

Or a question to similar effect—with similar answers.

10″     0


A showcase of Christian hatred and secular tolerance

A continuation of an exchange on homosexuality, reposted from Facebook.

8″     1


How pro-gay atheists “argue”

An illustration of what to expect from “freethinkers” if you dare to buck political correctness.

8″     1


Does the Bible teach any kind of free will?

Given how hotly debated a topic it is, you would assume it does…wouldn’t you?

3″     16


Thorny problems with karma #5: the sustainability paradox

Even assuming karma can get started in the first place, how does it keep going while still letting off enough steam to allow everyone to eventually escape?

6″     13


Can we do good without being Christians?

The short answer: no. But the real question is why—and why is it that an apparently virtuous action by an unbeliever is sinful, while the same action by a Christian is righteous?

1″     0
