Bnonn Tennant (the B is silent)

Where a recovering ex-atheist skewers things with a sharp two-edged sword

Abortion and the Holocaust

An informative exchange with an indignant pro-aborter.

7″     14


Misguided compassion for pest animals

An email exchange with a bleeding heart apologist for the moral equivalence of animals and humans.

8″     5


Sodomites demand right to temporary slaves; courts agree

It’s satire. But…not really.

2″     2


4 reasons the consent argument for abortion is sociopathic

The consent argument is the most popular and vigorously-defended way for pro-abortionists to show that abortion is ethically justified—and that the abolitionist position is unreasonable. But what if their argument trades on hidden ethical concessions that, in any other situation, we’d think were psychopathic?

10″     24


Why abortion is irrefutably equivalent to murder

A simple 3-step argument that anyone can understand, showing that abortion is morally identical to murder.

14″     96
