It’s OK for a man to be a helpmeet
A progression of observations about Wesley Hill, based on his own testimony, that do not make him look very good.
A simple argument that the Roman church is under God’s judgment for apostasy and idolatry
Pedophilia isn’t the only sexual scandal in the Roman ranks.
Love is love
Even in the secular world, not all love is good—and in Christianity, love of evil entails hatred of God.
Is online discussion worth it?
How to tell whether anything good might come out of a Facebook debate, and how to make the most of it if the signs are right.
This is what we’re up against
A real-life demonstration of how the wolves have formed a protective circle around the pulpit to prevent the sheep getting near, while they tear all the offensive pages out of the Bible.
A showcase of Christian hatred and secular tolerance
A continuation of an exchange on homosexuality, reposted from Facebook.
What does the Lord say about homosexuality?
A response to a friend’s questions on Facebook.
How pro-gay atheists “argue”
An illustration of what to expect from “freethinkers” if you dare to buck political correctness.
Christianity and LGBTQ* is a two-way street
The church continues to respond poorly to LGBTQ* issues, both by failing to love LGBTQ* people rightly, and by failing to interact savvily with secular LGBTQ* activism. But there is plenty of blame to go around.
Sodomites demand right to temporary slaves; courts agree
It’s satire. But…not really.
Why Christians should not use the word “homophobia”
Overlooking the Orwellian use of language in the culture wars is like overlooking the use of defective ammo in real wars.
Do churches treat homosexuals like lepers?
A response (one might say critique) to Micah Murray’s recent Huffpost article on homosexuals in the church. gives up on journalism to peddle pro-gay propaganda
Why did I abandon my degree in journalism just one year in? Well, mostly because I realized journalism involves doing things like pimping junk science for the sake of supporting a deviant ideology, rather than reporting important truths.