Bnonn Tennant (the B is silent)

Where a recovering ex-atheist skewers things with a sharp two-edged sword

Fisking the chieftain of the atheist village

An exchange with an atheist whose confidence is inversely proportional to his competence on the topics of sex, ethics and evolution.

28″     7


A showcase of Christian hatred and secular tolerance

A continuation of an exchange on homosexuality, reposted from Facebook.

8″     1


Thorny problems with Molinism #3: the theological grounding objection

Molinism removes the metaphysical machinery that underwrites God’s knowledge of free actions (i.e., his knowing what he will cause), but does not replace it with anything. Thus, middle knowledge is a just-so story; an assertion we are supposed to accept “because reasons.” Only…there are no reasons.

7″     5
