Bnonn Tennant (the B is silent)

Where a recovering ex-atheist skewers things with a sharp two-edged sword

I’ve invented the perfect religion

My cover is now blown, but who cares? I’ll be rich.

7″     1


Was Jesus a guru? (Part 3)

What if his message got lost in transmission?

6″     0


Was Jesus a guru? (Part 2)

Is there not some hubris in thinking that, when reading a translation of a text, you have picked up on something which two millennia’s worth of its most adept students failed to notice in the original languages?

11″     0


Was Jesus a guru? (Part 1)

Some people think so, and they quote Jesus himself in support of the idea.

4″     0


Thorny problems with karma #3: charity is selfish and inconsiderate

Why should we take karmic worldviews seriously when they encourage cruelty and indifference over charity and mercy, and have produced the most backward, poverty-stricken cultures in the world?

3″     11


Thorny problems with karma #2: who sets the rules?

If karma is basically a system for balancing your morally bad choices, who exactly is it that makes the moral rules you must follow?

2″     17


Thorny problems with karma #1: what makes it tick?

Is karma a process which must be intelligently guided? If so, who does the guiding?

3″     3
