Bnonn Tennant (the B is silent)

Where a recovering ex-atheist skewers things with a sharp two-edged sword

Attraction v. arousal

Women are attracted by attributes which can paradoxically turn them off sexually. Neither are necessarily related to virtue—or necessarily not…but a Christian man must learn to balance them in a virtuous way.

5″     3


Q&A: how not to throw out the biblical baby with the blue pill bathwater?

A Christian reader asks for advice in grappling with unplugging from blue pill conditioning without losing his faith. I suggest that the answers primarily lie in understanding the creation mandate, the fall, and God’s providence. These are key differentiators between the theology of biblical sexuality, and the ideology of red pill sexuality.

13″     8


It’s OK for a man to be a helpmeet

A progression of observations about Wesley Hill, based on his own testimony, that do not make him look very good.

5″     30


Why a woman bearing the sword is an abomination to the Lord

Despite modern, feminist-conditioned sensibilities, carefully trained by modern, feminist media icons, there is strong evidence from both nature and Scripture that women in combat or enforcement roles are the sort of thing the Lord spits out of his mouth.

11″     97


Evangelical complementarian leaders mostly just teaching feminism

The Gospel Coalition tries to teach complementarianism by rebranding feminism, and I demur.

5″     4
