New atheism & child psychology
Why do new atheists form beliefs, and argue for them, in the same way as my four year old son?
Evidence and religion
A reposted exchange with an anonymous atheist.
If God is real, why does the world suck?
Or a question to similar effect—with similar answers.
How pro-gay atheists “argue”
An illustration of what to expect from “freethinkers” if you dare to buck political correctness.
Why doesn’t God just do whatever it takes to make people believe in him?
In which I point out four faulty presuppositions behind a common atheistic question.
Why do atheists proselytize?
Evangelical atheism seems to be on the rise. Which is odd, when you think about it.
3 reasons atheists should treat morality as superstitious nonsense
Atheists have been complacently borrowing Christian ideas about morality for too long. It’s time for that to end, along with Christianity itself.
Why won’t Randal Rouser answer some simple questions?
Calling Randal Rauser: why won’t you answer some simple questions?
On dogmatism
A response to Damian Peterson on the merits of being dogmatic.
Whence Cometh Value?
An argument undercutting non-theistic attempts to defend their value systems, by demonstrating that value itself is incoherent in a universe without God.
Education and child abuse
A critical response to the accusation that teaching children beliefs which contradict secular science is a form of child abuse. This post is a reply to Ken Perrott’s article ‘”Biblically correct” child abuse?’