Bnonn Tennant (the B is silent)

Where a recovering ex-atheist skewers things with a sharp two-edged sword

Is Psalm 82 depicting actual gods?

TL;DR: yes, but accusing someone who believes this of polytheism or liberalism is semantic mischief.

11″     15


Are the first and second commandments morally distinguishable?

It’s a bit of a trick question when I ask it.

5″     3


Why polytheism = pantheism = monism

Pagan religions seem crazy until you understand what motivates them.

5″     4


Is Psalm 82 metaphorical?

TL;DR: no.

6″     2


Is the divine council henotheistic?

There’s a rock and a hard place here for anyone who wants to use that term.

4″     3


Are pictures of Jesus idolatry? Part 2: what were ancient people thinking?

Thinking so is an understandably venerable Reformed tradition which strikes me as naive and legalistic on several levels. Here, I look at why ancient peoples created idols to worship, and how this radically affects our understanding of the second commandment.

7″     31


Skeptical naivete about ancient near-Eastern history

Should we even expect accounts of ancient events to reflect historical fact?

5″     1


What is honor?

And why does it matter to Christians?

3″     0


Free and cheap resources for understanding the OT in its socio-religious context

A few links for people who aren’t satisfied with “exegesis” that has the serpent in Eden being a snake, or the gods in Psalm 82 being men.

2″     1
